Tekno Kardelen Mühendislik

– Adjustable wear resistant blades
– Blades designed to suit the tree
– Heavy duty construction
– Open-frame design
– Electro-hydraulics controls
– Hard-chromium plated piston rods and shafts
– Special outriggers (Optional)

Tree Size (cm) Ball Diameter (cm) Ball Depth (cm) Working Pressure (bar) Water Tank (lt)
KDF-50 6 50 45 180 ***
KDF-65 8 65 55 180 ***
KDF-85 10 85 65 200 ***
KDF-100 13 100 80 200 ***
KDF-125 16 125 100 200 ***
KDA-150 18 150 115 220 750
KDA-175 22 175 133 220 1000
KDA-200 26 200 150 220 1250
KDA-230 30 230 175 220 1500