Tekno Kardelen Mühendislik
Chasis, all welded torsion resistant box-type construction in high strength steel
Hydraulically extended extra-large outrigger booms with safety lock valves
Hexagonal booms in high strength steel
Crane parts are designed in high strength with a CAD & CAE system
Hard – chromium plated piston rods and double acting hydraulic cylin- ders
Pressure safety valves, over-center valves, lock valves and control valves for safety
Externally adjustable slide pads for shifting of the booms
Independent cylinders with sequence and over-center valves
Rotation system with slewing rings or rack gear
Bronze bearings and grinded & heat treated pins
Oil tank with suction lters and return line lters
High temperature and high pressure resistant Polyurethane (PU) sealing elements
Extra extended mechanical booms
Company quality system certi ed to CE, TSE EN 12999 and ISO 9001